What Being a Birthmom Means

Birthmom- the biological mother who bears a child

 Being a birth mom means, loving your child more than yourself. It means you put the needs of your child before your own. It means breaking your own heart, in order to give your child more than you can. It means, putting together a puzzle. Their family is a puzzle, and your birth child is one of the missing pieces. It means, being strong when you want to give up. It means, giving your child things you can't provide for them at that point in time. In my case it meant a mommy and daddy who loved her very much and were together and love each other, and will be an example of love for her.
 Being a birth mom means, battling bad days. It means dreaming of your child and waking up in tears. It means dreaming of your child and waking up with a smile. It means you chose life. It means battling depression. It means growing up. It means making tough decisions. It means putting your faith in someone else. It means trusting God for me, and his plan. It means, giving your child all the things you could ever want. It means, being an example.

 Being a birth mom does not mean, someone did drugs, or did something to get their children taken away. That's a common misconception. I chose adoption, to give my birth daughter everything she deserved.

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